studio OOS strives for a holistic whole in which the

senses are stimulated, viewed from a physical and

emotional perspective, practical and poetic,

individual and social.

studio OOS is a studio for spatial and collectible design founded by

Sophie Mensen. The studio tries to find the balance between shape,

material, colour and their relation to the surroundings and the

user. searching for the essence and in which every detail is taken into

consideration. I strive for a holistic whole in which the senses are

stimulated, viewed from a physical andemotional

perspective,practical and poetic, individual and social.

selection of clients & collaborations

Ace & Tate | …,Staat Creative Agency | W-Hotel | Please Wait to be Seated | Baars & Bloemhoff | Envisions Agency | Bottle Up Foundation | DiSé | Dutch Invertuals | FontanaArte | Frisur | Galerie Philia | Galerie Gosserez | Leisure Center | Spazio Rossana Orlandi | Schloss Hollenegg for Design | Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam | Umbra Shift | Van Abbemuseum | Vitra | Wallpaper* magazine